Ari Marcopoulos

Posted by Posted by stace inhaler On 7:40 PM

Ari Marcolpoulos has been an inspiration to me for many years. When I first found his work, it was a time when I was trying to figure myself out as a photographer and what it was that I wanted to show to the world. I was experimenting with just carrying a 35mm around with me at all times. I would take photos of me and my friends hanging out in my parents house, and at parties. It was before we were all 21 and I wanted to document my life in general. I wanted to let everyone know what I was experiencing in my adolescenceMarcolpolous helped me find reasoning behind my work. 
His work is that of underground lifestyles. He immerses himself in the personalities of the individuals he shoots. It has a very "snapshottyaesthetic that I've grown to respect and understand in contemporary photographers. Definitely check him  out if you don't know his work.


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